When I was a small child I would watch Bob Ross on the TV. Something about his calm demeanor and his red beard and afro always intrigued me. Oh yeah, the dude could paint too. That dude could whip up an Alaskan landscape in no time flat. I said to myself, “One day I will paint like him.”

School bored me to tears. I basically just went for arts and crafts day and the other hours were just garbage. For some reason in high school I stopped studying art.

In 2010 I caught the art bug again and picked up some acrylics, brushes, canvasses and a book from the library and started painting.

At first I gave the paintings away as gifts. Then my friends started wanting to buy them. So now here I am offering my art to the public and this blog is a chronicle of the journey one takes into the world of selling art and the process of making that art.